
Monday, May 26, 2008


Here's a classic moment from the celebrations...Man of the Match Paul O Connell gives ROG a facefull of champers...not surprisingly O Gara doesn't retaliate..."Ah shucks thanks for the drink Paul" should be the reply if ever faced with the same situation!!

And we couldn't celebrate a Cup win without a Montage. "MONTAGE, MONTAGE F*CK YEAH"

And here's your MONDAY 'AAAH' MOMENT

Kittens 'adopted' by pet rabbit

Six abandoned kittens have found an unexpected new mother figure - a pet rabbit.

Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the three-week-old kittens to her Aberdeen home.

The kittens seemed to think Summer the rabbit was their mother and began to climb all over her and try to feed from her.

Efforts will be made to find the four males and two females permanent homes in the coming weeks.

Melanie, 29, told the BBC Scotland news website: "The abandoned kittens were handed in when they were about three weeks old and I took them home.

"Summer the rabbit was taken inside on Bonfire Night because of the fireworks and the kittens seemed to really like her and thought she was their mother."

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